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Showing posts with the label Travel Insurance

5 Ways to Save Money on Travel Insurance

When you're traveling , there are a lot of important things for which you're responsible. Taking a trip and going to see a new part of the world is always an exciting thing and can definitely be one of the most memorable experiences in your lifetime. Any traveler will tell you, however, that there are also a lot of moving parts that come with taking a trip to a new country, and there are a lot of expenses that come along with such an experience, as well. One of the things that travelers often find themselves considering is travel insurance. There are plenty of ways that an individual can wind up incurring some serious costs while on vacation, and travel insurance is often designed to protect you from having to take a serious financial hit if this winds up being the case. We'll talk about five ways that you can make sure you're not spending money that you don't really need to spend when it comes to travel insurance. With these strategies in mind, you can make sure yo

How to Stay Healthy During International Travel

Whether you're heading to some sun-drenched shore, hitting the slopes at your favorite ski resort, or taking the Grand Tour of Europe during your hard-earned, weeks-long sabbatical, it's in your best interest to make sure that you do everything in your power to ensure that you remain healthy during and after your trip. After all, it's going to be awfully hard to muster up the energy to see the sights when you're suffering from heat exhaustion, withdrawal from prescription medication, or malaria, just for example. So before you hit the road for parts unknown, here are a few tips to help you stay healthy during your time as a tourist . 1. Immunizations. If you're traveling to a foreign country you'd better hope you left enough time for the many immunizations you might need. Your country of origin may not be subject to ailments like malaria, diphtheria, or hepatitis A, for example, but that doesn't mean you won't be exposed to such diseases should you tr