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5 Easy Ways to Save Money on Airport Parking

Big trips are very exciting, but they also come with a pretty huge amount of preparation and planning. They're expensive, too, and when you find yourself preparing to take off on a giant adventure, there are a lot of moving parts that you're going to have to make sure get taken care of properly. As those expenses start to pile up, it can be nice to feel like you're saving money in just about any way that you possibly can. It just so happens that there are a lot of ways that the savvy traveler can shave a few bucks off just about any trip. One of the best places to save some money is on the always-expensive airport parking situation. We'll talk about five great tips that'll help you avoid spending money that you didn't really need to part with in the first place. 1. Have a Friend Drive You. It never hurts to rely on the kindness of your closest pals to give you a ride to the airport. If you know you're going to be gone for an extended period of time, an

How to Budget and Save for a Luxurious Vacation

Budgeting is something that most adults should be doing all the time, and while many of us fail to write out and adhere to strict budgets, we still have a basic mental budget to ensure that we don't spend so much on groceries and entertainment that there isn't enough left over to pay the bills each month. But if you're not familiar with the many benefits that come with planning a precise budget, then you may not realize that you can use it to help you save money for major expenses down the road, such as a down payment on a home or car, or even a luxurious vacation. So if you're tired of waiting for the recession to end so that you can start planning the 4-star trip of a lifetime to the sun-drenched beaches of Maui, the twinkling avenues of Paris, or the ancient and awe-inspiring pyramids of Giza, then here are a few budgeting tips that will help you to start saving now for your dream vacation. The place to begin is with a household budget, if you don't already h