Tokyo, Japan is a bustling metropolis that is the epitome of Japanese culture. From the bright lights of Shibuya to the peacefulness of Meiji Shrine, Tokyo has something for everyone. This city is constantly evolving, with new restaurants and shops popping up every day. Whether you're looking for a traditional Japanese experience or something more modern, Tokyo is the place for you. From historical temples to modern skyscrapers, there is always something new to explore. Here are the top things to do in Tokyo : Top 3 Activities Visit the Shibuya Crossing. This grand intersection is a must-visit whenever you’re in the Shibuya district, and crossing it at least once gives you a feel of the heady pulse of this cosmopolitan city! While in the area, you can also walk to the legendary statue of Hachiko and have your photograph taken there (near the Hachiko train station). Explore Asakusa and the Sensoji Temple. Make sure you get Omikuji paper fortune in front of the Sensoji Temple. As
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