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Showing posts with the label Leeds

Historical Sites Of Leeds

If you love travelling, and love exploring new and different places, then Leeds in the UK is definitely worth a look. Especially if like me, you enjoy places with a vast history and interesting architecture to boot. Here are two historical sites of Leeds, which also have some very interesting architecture: Corn Exchange Leeds’ Corn Exchange was completed in 1862 by architect Cuthbert Brodrick, who also designed the town hall and whose name you will find a lot around Leeds as the Wetherspoons (great place for food) in Millennium Square is named after him. The Corn Exchange, as the name implies, was built to trade corn. It is one of three corn exchanges still standing in the UK, and the only one of the three which is still used for trade, although no longer in corn. When trading in corn was no longer needed, the Corn Exchange closed and was subject to deterioration. In the 80s, plans to refurbish and reopen this great building were developed and it reopened in 1990 as a shopping ce...