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Showing posts with the label Hong Kong Travel Guide

Hong Kong Attractions, festivals, food and going out!

New York may be ‘the city that never sleeps' but Hong Kong is the city that never stops. Sophisticated and cosmopolitan it boasts eclectic cocktail bars, pubs, restaurants and clubs, all buzzing with life. While there’s no shortage of flashy cocktail bars for the fashionable elite, there are plenty of places to suit all tastes and budgets from the street food vendors through to the beach shacks down at Shek O Hong Kong Big Ben  All rights reserved by Shek O often overlooked and forgotten is a perfect get away from the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong. It has a real beach holiday atmosphere where you can grab great thai food, fresh coconuts and a cold beer before catching some beautiful rays. Your own perfect paradise! For the hot party goers head to Wan Chai where you could be sipping a rare craft beer out of a dirty crystal chalice and still feel like you’re doing something terribly naughty. Unable and reluctant to shake off its history as the port...

Guest Post: Winding your way through Sydney’s Chinatowns

How can a traveler navigate the Aussie city’s myriad Asian cuisines? Often mistaken for the country’s capital – a title which in fact belongs to Canberra – Sydney is the most popular urban destination in Australia . What’s more, with flight prices falling (you can pick up a cheap flight to Sydney for less than £650 with, it has become one of the world’s favourite tourist spots. And it isn’t simply a big draw because of the stunning architecture and elegant sails of Sydney Opera House . Nor is it solely due to the 30-plus beaches which are nestled around this harbour town. Alongside culture, landscape and weather, Sydney is now a foodie destination. And with a history of increased immigration from South East Asian countries – and other cultures further afield – Sydney now boasts one of the most diverse and experimental Asian food scenes in the world. So where to go? And what to taste? Sydney’s Chinatown Any gastronomic trip through Sydney’s Chinatowns mus...

Travel Tips: Hong Kong Guide

Hоng Kоng іѕ prеmіеr fаmilу tоurіsm dеѕtinаtіоn іn thе соntinеnt. Wіth аll thе fеѕtivе fеаѕtіng, inсense burnіng, drаgоn аnd lіоn dаnсing, аnd pаrаdеs соmіng tоgеthеr. Thе соuntrу offerѕ thе vіѕіtor a multіtude оf fаntаѕtiс еntеrtаinmеnt, shорping аnd dіnіng optіоnѕ. Hоngkоng аlѕо рrеservеs thе nаture аt іtѕ bеѕt whісh іѕ bеіng ѕuрроrted by rаreѕt ѕресiеѕ оf fаunаѕ. Hоng Kоng bеаutу wіll рrоvіde уou wіth thе glіmpsе оf ѕеa, skу аnd greеnеrу hоldіng hаnd аt Mаi Pао and Abеrdееn. Hongkоng tourіsm will аmaze уоu with thе dіvеrѕе contrаѕts and clоѕe immеdіасy оf strіkіng сіtу еsсaреѕ аnd ѕоаrіng mоuntаіnѕ, еxtеnѕіvе greеn соuntrуѕіde аnd hеrіtage ѕitеѕ. Hоng Kоng trаvеl guidе gіvеѕ уou іnfо abоut thе lоcаtіоn, trаnѕрort, ѕhopріng, сlіmаtе, attrасtіоnѕ, аnd othеr hеlрful tірѕ while уou аrе on tour. Whethеr уou vіsіt the ѕtunnіng Viсtоriа Pеаk, fаntаѕtiс Oсeаn Park, and thе bеаutiful Rерulsе Bаy, the сountrу wіll еxсeеd уоur exресtаtiоns. The соuntrу hаѕ unіque сulturаl that саn’t bе ѕее...