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Sandara Park on SNS’s 24/7

I heard that 2NE1 will be having a concert on June 4 this year at Araneta Coliseum. Meanwhile let's see the new look of Sandara Park on SNS’s 24/7! Sandara Park is one person amongst the representative stars that communicate through social networking sites (SNS) with their fans. Sandara Park currently has 323 261 friends (Also known as machine, me2DAY chingoo) on the Korean SNS ‘me2DAY’. Before Big Bang’s comeback in February, she had the largest amount of me2day friends, however G-Dragon has currently climbed to number one with 323 853. Even still, she almost doubles IU who currently has 191 247. The ‘me2day figurehead’ Sandara Park describes her typical day to us, explaining how much SNS has become integrated into the lives of stars. The day of Sandara’s life we examine is Friday, March 18th. Sandara Park was in the middle of the filming for an advertisement. AM 8:00 | Smartphone wakes her up in the morning ‘Ddan dan dan dad da dan∼!’ The loud ringing of the smartphone ring...