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Inexpensive Vacation Ideas for College Students

Vacationing for college students is all too often a difficulty, and sometimes not even an option. For those of you who find yourselves struggling to get all of the schoolwork done on time and have to pinch pennies all the while, going on a vacation during the post semester break can seem unfeasible. But don't let tight finances get you down. Everyone deserves a vacation, and you may be able to make it happen with less money than you'd think. Finding the perfect college vacation is simply a matter of creative thinking and clever shopping. You don't have to fly out of the country, or even out of state to have a fun vacation. One of the most popular ideas for students looking to get away on their down time is camping. Camping trips are fun and inexpensive ways to bond with your friends and classmates, and this could be just the kind of break you need. There is not a whole lot of planning required. A few basic essentials like tents, sleeping bags, food, and firewood can be