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Showing posts with the label Beondegi

6 Bizarre Foods in Asia

Asia; home to fascinating culture, centuries old history and some downright bizarre foods! A wander through any market, side street or local butchers practically anywhere in Asia soon throws up an intriguing assortment of dishes ready to be sampled. Question is, how brave are you? Read on to whet your appetite. Durian; you’ll smell it long before you set eyes on it! It’s described as smelling akin to rotting flesh but don’t let that put you off, everyone should try it at least once in their life. The durian fruit is large, about the size and shape of a rugby ball with sharp spiky skin. Street side market sellers prepare and sell it across Southeast Asia, especially in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. Don’t expect to find it on your hotel menu (or try to take one in to your hotel) as it’s forbidden. And for a neat (if slightly mean trick) take some durians sweets home with you for your kids or colleagues!                      ...