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Six of Britain’s Best Dishes and Where to Find Them

When you think of traditional British food you immediately think of bangers and mash, fish and chips and shepherd’s pie. In fact Britain's best dishes are set according to area; what is a stable diet in Liverpool may not be the traditional favourite in Cornwall.


Scouse is a homely dish that you will find in Liverpool. The dish was originally introduced by European sailors who called in Labskause, eventually the name evolved to Scouse which was eaten by sailors and their families. Today this delicious heart-warming meal is a dish that makes any Liverpudlian feel at home.

Scouse is usually made from lamb with potato, carrots and onion to form a mouth-watering and warming dish perfect for winter. If you order what you need in your veg boxes you can make this delightful feast next time you have a friend visiting from Liverpool.

The Famous Cornish pasty

The Cornish pasty dates back centuries and was originally made for miners enabling them to get a full meal when they had to eat quickly, they could hold the pasty in one hand and their drink in the other during a short break before heading back to the mines.

The Cornish pasty is a staple part of Cornwall and if properly made will have potatoes, onion and meat separated. The reason for this was that you could start eating across the pasty, getting all of the hearty meal in one.

Aylesbury Duck

Britain, British, Best Dishes, Food, Liverpool, Cornwall, Scouse, Aylesbury Duck, Scotland, Food and Travel, Food Blog, Top Foods,

Aylesbury duck is a favourite meal in Buckinghamshire and is often a slow roasted duck with an orange and apple sauce. The duck when properly made and served with delicious vegetables is a home cooked meal for many families from the area.

Bubble and Squeak

Bubble and squeak was considered the poor man’s food, yet it is one of the most delicious of all left over meals and
mainly found in London; although you can get the dish anywhere across the UK.

Bubble and squeak is usually made with left over potatoes, cabbage and any meat. Sometimes even left over peas and Brussels sprouts are added. It's a warming dish that is very traditional to Britain and can be made in your own home with ease.

Shropshire Pie

Britain, British, Best Dishes, Food, Liverpool, Cornwall, Scouse, Aylesbury Duck, Scotland, Food and Travel, Food Blog, Top Foods,

Shropshire pie also known as Shropshire rabbit pie is a favourite in Shropshire on the Welsh border. The pie is made from rabbit, onion and bacon or ham though it's served with green vegetables and potatoes to make it a heart-warming traditional dish to the area.

Anyone can make Shropshire pie and it's always welcomed when guests come to visit, make sure your veg boxes have potatoes and a great selection of vegetables to complement the rich taste of the rabbit and bacon in the wonderful warm pastry.

Hotch Potch

Hotch Potch is a stew that is found throughout Scotland it comprises of meat, carrots, peas, cabbage, turnips and celery, as well as some barley. The majority of hotch potch that you will taste when travelling through Scotland will be made with mutton, beef or chicken. It's a fantastic option on a snowy winter’s day that is guaranteed to warm you as you sit by the fire and enjoy the succulent meat which has been cooking for hours on the stove.

While there are so many traditional British dishes to choose from and it's impossible to mention them all, these are the six firm favourites from across the country. You can make any of them at home if you are feeling homesick or want to try something traditional and different. Be sure to use plenty of vegetables to get your five a day to complement the dish and finish it to perfection.

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