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Things You Must Do in Fes, Morocco

Visiting Fes, which is Morocco’s second-largest city, is unlike traveling to any other metropolis in the world.  Fes used to be the capital of Morocco, and over the centuries its culture has been influenced by many different people.  The Arabs, Berbers and Romans had the most lasting impacts on this city.  Here are five things you must do in Fes, Morocco, which will help you appreciate Moroccan culture and life.

Visit the Medina
Fes has one of the larges medinas in the world.  Visiting it is the best way to see daily life in Morocco.  The closest thing in Western cities to a medina is a marketplace, but the medinas have much more than a traditional market has.

Morocco, Fes, Medina, Moroccan, Travel, Riad, University of Al-Karaouine, Madrasa Bou Inania, Zaouia Moulay Idriss II, Travel Tips, Travel Guide, North Africa, Travel Africa

In the medina, visitors will have a chance to see a number of monuments, mosques, museums and palaces.  In between these attractions, there will be vendors selling goods and foods, artists and street performers.  The one thing that will not be found on the narrow historic streets is cars, because they are prohibited from medinas.

Stay in a Riad
Fes has hotels, as all modern cities do.  However, people who choose to stay in a hotel miss out on an authentic Moroccan experience.  Riads are traditional Moroccan homes, which can be found in Fes and throughout Morocco.  They have a central courtyard, which helped cool the house before air conditioning.  Today, these courtyards serve as relaxing places to have breakfast or after-dinner drinks.  Many riads have been renovated recently and converted
into places for visitors to stay.  These are much more authentic and intimate than a large Western hotel.

Visit the University of Al-Karaouine
The University of Al-Karaouine, which can also be spelled Al-Qarawiyyin, is the oldest university in the world.  It was founded in 859 and continues today to be one of the leading educational institutions in the Muslim world.  Al-Karaouine is why Fes has been called “The Mecca of the West” and “Athens of Africa.”

Visit the Madrasa Bou Inania
The Madrasa Bou Inania, which can be alternatively spelled Bu Inaniya, is another educational institution people should visit.  Its entrance is a beautiful archways, which colorfully stands out from its surroundings.  This is a prime example of Marinid architecture.

Pay Homage to Zaouia Moulay Idriss II
Morocco cannot be understood without going to the zaouia of Moulay Ildriss II.  This zouia is simply a shrine, which was completely reconstructed in the 18th century.  Visitors do not need to formally pay homage, but this is the best place to learn about Moulay Ildriss II.  Moulay Ildriss II founded Fes, after it had previously been founded and destroyed.  He is now the patron saint of Fes.

These five attractions reflect the multi-dimensional culture of Fes.  It is a metropolis with a unique way of life, which can be experienced in the medina and at a riad.  It is also has a long and rich history of higher education, which surpasses any other country.  Finally, its residents look to Moula Ildriss II as a stable figure in a long history of turmoil.

About the Author:
Zach Daniel helps people plan their trip to Morocco by writing about the country for

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